Circus with refugee children
Circus with refugee children Berlin: 25 – 29th April [...]
Circus with Ethnic Minority Children
Invisible Circus, Bristol Project outline 4 - 8 April 2016 [...]
Training of social circus trainers with the support and coaching from Cirque du Soleil
The Social Educircation network in cooperation with Polish partners and [...]
Voice workshop
Valencia, Spain, 17th - 24th January 2016 Our VOICE is [...]
Social Message in Circus Performance
“Circlusion II. The artist in the center of social [...]
Circus for Children with physical disabilities
Cirqueon, Prague, 21st - 25th September 2015 Workshop organised with [...]
Social Circus Project in Prison
International circus project in prison Cirkus in Beweging, Leuven - [...]
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